Get Time Back to Focus on Business Growth
In 2021, one in ten businesses faced challenges with accounting obligations. What if you had someone to alleviate the stress and time constraint administrative tasks like accounting have on your schedule? Well, you do! Quickpay Payroll is an administrative services organization (ASO) that extends support for your day-to-day responsibilities like obtaining and administering benefits, processing payroll, and selecting workers’ compensation coverage.
Quickpay Payroll assists with benefits administration, such as keeping track of your employee eligibility, setting up payroll deductions, and providing analytics and reporting capabilities to help you become more efficient in reconciling your monthly benefit invoices.
We can also assist in setting up payroll deductions and loans for retirement plans, like 401(k) and simple IRAs, as well as setting up your benefits on a pre-tax basis so you and your company will save on tax dollars. Quickpay Payroll handles your pay period contribution transmissions.
Our Affordable Care Act (ACA) experts will assist you in determining whether you are an Applicable Large Employer (ALE) and help you maintain compliance with the applicable regulations. Our monthly and hourly analysis reports will also ensure compliance with your employees’ stability and eligibility dates to avoid costly IRS penalties.

Human Resource Services
Time and attendance are integral to both productivity and payroll processing. We offer a fully integrated service that will help you manage your payroll cost. Our software makes it simple to keep track of job costs and projects by departments and positions. With multiple ways to collect time punches (i.e., physical biometric, iris recognition clocks, web-based and mobile punching), we simplify collecting employee punches through GPS fencing. This helps reduce “buddy punching” — where a coworker punches in and out for another employee — as well as ensures accurate and timely tracking.
Additionally, through our employee portal, you may electronically monitor your employees’ paid time off (PTO) accrual and balances, and allowing your employees to review their balance, request time off, and electronically send messages to management for approval.
Workers’ Compensation and Risk Management
ASOs, like Quickpay Payroll, typically do not offer workers’ compensation policies. However, we do offer workers’ compensation support, such as pay-as-you-go reporting and year-end audits.
Participation in pay-as-you-go can help you avoid pricey bills and large policy deposits. Pay-as-you-go permits you to keep your current agent while allowing us to handle your automatic premium calculation on each payroll cycle.
By providing your auditor with the necessary reports at the end of your policy period, you will prevent major delays and compliance issues. Most carriers favor directly receiving a single package of reports from your payroll provider, which is something Quickpay Payroll can provide.
Additionally, we have an experienced risk and safety staff who will assist you in lowering your workers’ compensation insurance cost and maintaining compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. Whether you need employee training for forklift operators, personal protective equipment, chemical safety, portable fire extinguisher use, control of hazardous energy (lock-out/tag-out), hearing conservation, respiratory protection, fall protection, or confined space entry, we are well
equipped to support you.

Outside of our payroll processing services, we are also able to export your payroll accounting entries to the most popular accounting software through your customizable allocations. The export can be arranged by your worksite locations, division, projects, and employee positions.